Focus your mind on something and it expands.
Ever notice how when you get a new car all of a sudden you see them everywhere?
In the same way, as you focus on a specific desire your mind concentrates on the details and begins to develop ways of achieving what you desire. It is truly amazing how the subconscious mind works to accomplish this.
You simply present a goal or an idea from your conscious mind to your unconscious or sub-conscious mind and it begins to tackle the problem. At some point the answer simply pops up almost like magic. This is often seen as a “flash” of inspiration.
Although the focus of this book is not “metaphysical”, I believe it is an important starting point to getting well. In addition to providing that “flash of inspiration”, your unconscious mind also directs your body to heal or grow or repair things that need fixing. Children are excellent at visualizing things because they practice using their imaginations so often. Unfortunately, as we grow older we forget how to use our imaginations.
Image courtesy of jscreationzs /